My goal for creating this site is not to convince you to commute on a motorcycle. My goal is to share what I have learned with those that may have recently decided to try moto commuting for the first time or even those veteran commuters that are looking for something new to read. If I can teach anyone anything, no matter how small, I call that a win. I’m also not going to talk about how to ride or that All The Gear, All The Time (ATGATT) is the only way to live. Because honestly, I wear most of the gear, most of the time. In other words, I wear what I’m comfortable with for the trip  I’m taking and for the weather I will encounter.


Sometimes I will wear sneakers around the block to test a modification or to verify maintenance was done properly, but my issue with sneakers or anything that doesn’t cover my ankle bones is that I will hit them on something metal and I will start screaming in my helmet because it hurts like you wouldn’t believe. I will always wear gloves and a helmet, even if I’m just running around the neighborhood. It doesn’t take much to rattle your brain, so why take the chance? A helmet always goes on. When was the last time you scuffed up your hands from asphalt or had any other road rash in general? If it has been a while, let me remind you. It sucks! Good news is it can be easily avoided.


When it comes to commuting, the goal is to show up to work not looking like you just rolled out of bed or spent an hour sweating away at the gym. I’ve spent some time figuring out what works and what doesn’t, so I want to share the information with you.